Welcome, My name’s Isaiah Jones. So glad you’re here!

I’m an Adverising & Graphic Design student who's extremely passionate about crafting experiences that are both intriguing and successful

About Isaiah Jones: An Urban Kid With A Rural Heart

I was born in Durham, North Carolina, but back in 2011 my family and I moved to Charlotte. I’ve spent over half of my life living in the city, but slow, country living will always hold a special place in my heart.

Coming from such a rural place, the urban world did not treat me well at first. Starting in elementary school, many have made attempts to fit me to a mold, but my belief in myself has never waivered. I’ve always been in a lane so different than others and that’s what seperates me from the rest.

I strive for greatness in everything I do, I create opportunities when circumstances are grim, and most importantly of all, I keep a level head when the pressure is applied.

An Infatuation With Design

My love for design began at a very young age when my father used to let me play around with the CS5 version of Photoshop on his old laptop. While I was only creating simple linaer and radial gradients at the time, I radiply grew an appreciation for the process. The process of producing something, from seemingly nothing, absolutely blew my young mind and is accredited for the path that I’m currently on today.

I’m a lifelong-learner and I’m constantly seeking new ways to perfect my craft. As a designer, I specialize in creating unique solutions, suitable for a multitude of problems. As a student, I strive to absorb the knowledge bestowed upon me by those who have previously walked in my shoes. Beyond my classes at Central Piedmont Community College, I’m a freelance designer and digital illustrator.

Feel free to check out my Instagram and follow me if you enjoy my content; I’ll be sure to follow you back!

Please click the following link to view Isaiah’s Résumé.